A few more works by Diana you might be interested in.

(April 2001; by Diana Killian)
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Christian painter Hilary Jackson lives a life of contentment, spiritually at peace and doing the work she loves-until the day she plays Good Samaritan to a dangerously handsome Englishman with no name, no identification and no memory beyond the hazy belief that he has killed Scotland Yard art expert, Sir Alexander Napier.

Was Napier a bad cop? Is "Alan" an art thief and murderer? Why are the people closest to Hilary suddenly acting suspiciously? Why is Scotland Yard Detective-Sergeant Hogsworth convinced Hilary is forging old masters? Too late, Hilary realizes that if "Alan" did not kill Napier, someone else did-someone only too willing to kill again.

"The Art of Dying is that rare thing for us mystery readers, it is a keeper. The story of Hilary, a Christian artist; and Alan, an Englishman with amnesia; is woven into the tapestry of an artists' colony. Hilary plays Good Samaritan to Alan and ends up helping him solve a mystery (or two). Someone is stealing Old Masters' and forging them before selling them and they are willing to kill to continue.

I cannot recommend this book enough. There is a nice mixture of mystery and Christian ethics in this small book. If anything, I wish I could have had more to read. I was sorry when the book ended because I felt as though I had lost some close friends. This is definitely a must for everyone." ( Amazon.com review by Lori Ford, June 4, 2001)

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(1985, by Louise Harris, Harlequin #2685 )
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"Do you think I don't feel guilty -- loving you?"

"What nameless, faceless evil waits at the top of the stairs for young Alicia Carrington? Oh wait, it's her husband. Come to think of it, it's another book entirely. Love's Good Fortune is a Harlequin romance; my first published novel." Diana confesses, but then adds "It still has what I think is a pretty good twist for the genre."

From the cover blurb:

Alicia carrington knew when she commissioned the boldly innovative artist Dev Rafferty to do her portrait that he wasn't impressed by her money, or anything else about her.

He was already sharing a London studio with the temptress sculptress, Magda Morrison, who was obviously far more Dev's type of woman than Alicia could ever hope to be.

How then had Alicia dared propose to him? And would he have accepted her without the Carrington millions?

(2001, edited by Diana Killian and Kevin Burton Smith)
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According to Diana, this will always be one of her favorite projects. ("Collaboration is half the fun," she says.)

Wicked Company Writers Community (in collaboration with The Thrilling Detective Website) was thrilled to present Down These Wicked Streets.  Contained in this slim volume, were seven original private eye tales from writers from the Wicked Company Writer's Group. There were cynical hard-boiled stories here that may disturb some of you, and quirky tales of romance and suspense that may just amuse the hell out of you.  But they're all part of the PI genre. Diana's very first P.I. story featuring Mary Kelly, "Just One of Those Things," made its debut here in fact.

So what's with the fascination with the PI genre?  Well, in his introduction to The Thrilling Detective Web Site, my co-editor Kevin Burton Smith wrote, "It's the idea of the outsider, the loner, striving to impose his (or her) idea of justice on a world that may not want him, but which he understands. He may not always like it, he may not be able to effect any lasting change, he may not even be thanked, but to him, the right thing must be done." 

But you know what Diana thinks?  She says it's all about attitude.  And these stories have it.

Unlike similar offerings, WICKED STREETS is short on quantity, but long on quality. There's no flash fiction here, nothing that can be quickly skimmed during the commercial break in a TV show or dashed off during a five-minute wait in line at the bank.

Instead, each of the seven stories presented... demands your attention and concentration for an extended period of time. The rewards, however, are well worth the effort, because these are all well-developed and richly textured tales, with a wealth of detail, evocative prose, and glib patter.

The writing styles, the settings, the periods, the protagonists and antagonists may be all different, but the stories are all uniformly good, solid, entertaining pieces, well up to the standards of what you'd find in top mystery publications. (The editors) have done an excellent job in selecting and presenting the seven tales in an attractive package.

It is to be hoped, by mystery and anthology fans alike, that this book represents just the first entry in a long line of Wicked Company Books yet to come. (Amazon.com review by Citizenew)

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by Diana Killian, exceopt where otherwise noted.